Guangzhou Wujiawu Auto Parts Co., Ltd.

Water Pump,Ignition Coils,Clutch,Damping

Our Honor

The 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, 70 people in auto parts service Zhu Weifeng, a distinguished figure in the Chinese auto parts service industry, the top ten enterprises in the Chinese auto parts industry in 2011 Top Ten Chain Enterprises The Tessford Cup 2016 Auto Parts Automobile Industry Brand Event High-Quality Channel Supplier Award Guangzhou Wujiawu Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Green Reform Future 2010 (Sixth) China's Top 10 Auto Parts Industry Dealer Guangzhou Yuexiu District Wujiawu Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Huicong Auto Parts Network May 19, 2011 Authorization Certificate hereby proves that Guangzhou Hongyou Auto Parts Co., Ltd. measures Leo 2015 Guangzhou region clutch product authorization Distributor Valeo 2012 Torrent Awards Guangzhou Hongyou Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Valeo Third Dealer Conference

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